Sunday, May 19, 2019

Mini Rex Rabbit Shedding Season

It looks like your rabbit is loosing hair or shedding, well it is! molting is when a rabbit looses its coat (shedding) and grows a new coat, this is also known as �blowing their coat�. a molt can last from 2 to 6 weeks, or more, it varies from rabbit to rabbit and from breed to breed. the rabbit molts regularly at different stages in its life.. Wool breeds like fuzzy lops look terrible when shedding. your rabbit may go through light molts throughout the year. during these light molts, you may be able to brush away the dead hair and continue to show your animal with success.. My mini-rex rabbit is shedding excessively. i get handfuls of hair off of him everyday; he's never shed this much. also, he is losing weight, although he is eating about the same amount. today i noticed a yellow discharge from his chin, when usually it seems clear. he is acting normally and eating normally though..

Best answer: i answered your other question about mini rex. once a year, usually around this time they go through what is called a molt. they get a new coat for the winter and loose the old fur. they shed alot at this time. you can often shed off what looks like a whole other rabbit.. My mini rexes get a lot of collective shed on their backs. i brush them with a soft, plastic brush, and that really helps during the rabbits' shedding season! mini rex rabbiters mn , jul 21, 2018. Mini rex rabbit breed history/origin. the rex fur gene in rabbits was first discovered in 1900s france and soon, these types of rabbits were being bred all over the world. the arba recognized the original rex breed, which is about 9 lbs, but demand grew for a smaller version � thus, the mini rex rabbit was born..

mini rex rabbit shedding season

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