Friday, March 29, 2019

Zed Build High Elo

Patch 8.7 - how to play zed - zed runes, builds - high elo zed guide - season 8 - league of legends my stream: preseason 8 complete talon. First, it hardly matters if zed is viable at high levels of play or not unless you yourself are a high-level player. secondly, to answer your question, yes, zed is viable at higher levels of play; he's not just a pubstomper. he's been picked in tournies and has done well in tournies. he's in a good spot imo.. The best counter to zed in lane would be picking a champ that he can't kill - vlad ahri liss diana etc. in high elo, if those champs are properly played, he won't ever kill them without jungle assistance, and that's not something you can rely on, and if zed doesn't snowball he becomes useless..

I wonder how zed mains compare to top challenger non mains. i mean pobelter/bjergsen are not zed mains but i wonder if the hundreds of games a zed main plays gives them the advantage.. im talking specfically on zed of course.. First of all cleanse does not remove his ult, qss does. second - he is a very hard to balance champion, he has to maintain his high skill cap while being weaker when used by less experienced players and at the same time it must be considered that his ult can be cancelled.. Is it good picking azir/zed ( my only comfortable champions i main ) in platinum elo ? some ppl told me that dont play azir zed .. yasuo & lee ect.. and im a lil confused?.

zed build high elo

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